Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jumping in for minute!

Hi, this is Jill - I think I logged in under Zann, but it's me!

Okay, Zann, you have officially become an expert on the process here -- look at the thorough explanations of this stuff! I knew you'd get up to speed in no time, but I'm impressed -- and thankful, as always. I had to crack up at the injection party... I should have done that back when it was my butt in the air. As for the progesterone shots, that woman from the blog was crazy to try doing them herself -- certainly more brave than I! And here's the good news: the progesterone is now less thick than it was when I first started IVF and how it's described (in oil) on the blog. I believe, Zann, you can use a slightly smaller needle - although it's probably the same one you are using for the E2V. Fun, fun, I know.

Special thanks to all those helping Zann (and saving Scotty) with injections. James and I are so excited to be this close to the big tranfer day!