Thursday, March 20, 2008

46 shots and the waiting game...

So, I had to empty out my handy SHARPS container (the thing that holds all my used needles)last night 'cos it was getting too full. Luckily Nurse Mara can take all the used ones off my hands and I don't have to find an EPA office or find somewhere that'll take them. As I was taking them out, I decided to count them...

46 Shots
Yowzers. I guess I can't complain 'cos it's really not a lot considering that Jill has gone through this 4 times and she even had to do a step that I didn't have to do which was the egg retreival. And I guess that's even more. But I wow'ed myself last night. 46 shots coming from someone who used to be somewhat afraid of needles. I guess I've gotten the hang of it. I still laugh though 'cos I have to cover my ears while I'm getting one...or at least till the needle goes in. Random, huh!
So, the waiting game has definitely started and let me tell you - I don't like waiting. I hate it to be honest. I'm on edge lately and just really ancy to find out what the results are going to be. I would assume we will know by next Thursday. As soon as I know or Jill knows - we will update. But for now, life continues on and we wait.
People keep asking how I'm feeling. I wish I could say "I FEEL PREGNANT" but I don't. I feel fine. I don't feel anything different, out of the ordinary. I just wish I had a lil' sign from my body that would encourage me that the lil' embryo stuck. But nope, nothing!!! I guess most surrogates don't really "feel" pregnant till about the 3rd week. I know when I was pregnant with the boys, it didn't set it till after I found out I was pregnant which was about 5 weeks. So, we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Zann, I know you've heard this a hundred times, but you are an amazing woman! What you are doing is so, so wonderful. What greater gift can give a person than a child of their own to love? Hugs!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been praying for you and Jill. Waiting must be so hard. Best of luck and lots of pregnancy vibes being sent your way.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Zann. I'm sending prayers for you & Jill - I can't even imagine how hard the "waiting to know is" - Hugs!