Thursday, July 31, 2008

Houston! We're having a baby!!!

It was so hard to keep it a secret and even Jill knew but on Tuesday, my numbers came back awesome. They were at 100. Anything about 5 is good. 25 is excellent - so you can imagine what 100 was like. It was the best news in the world. Good enough that even Dr Acacio called Jill with the results even though she didn't want to know.

We waited all afternoon this afternoon for a phone call and we just got word about 10 minutes ago that my numbers have doubled! I'm at 223! So they've actually more than doubled!

I'm so excited, and so relieved! WOO HOO!!!


Bettina said...


Deena said...

YES!!! I knew it!! Congrats to everyone involved!!! But especially Jill and hubby!!

Anonymous said...

Congrat's!!!!! I have been following your story for a while and I'm so happy for all involved. I just had my triplets on 7/8 that were concieved via IVF so I know the journey is long and tiresome, but so worth it in the end. Best of luck to you for an uncomplicated pregnancy and to the mom and dad for a happy and healty baby(ies)!!!!

Anonymous said...

How freaking exciting is this news! We are so happy and looking forward to sharing this unique pregnancy with Zann, Scotty, Jill, and James....and then getting to meet and watch grow a sweet little Alcorn baby!

Congratulations, we love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jill and Zann and hubbies!!! I am so excited for you and wish you the easiest pregnancy Zann, and a great new role as Mommy Jill!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Zann and Jill and Hubbies! You all are truly amazing as well as the start of this new "little" miracle. So, when do you go in for an ultra sound to see how many you are having???

bloomers shoppe said...


lindar said...

Wahoo! I'm so excited for you all! CONGRATULATIONS!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you all. I can't wait to follow your journey on the blog. I wonder how many babies are in there?!

Kat said...

WOO HOO!!! I am so excited for all of you!!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Woo-Hoo!! I am SO excited for all of you. Congrats Jill and Zann and hubbies and a H&H 9 months for all of you and those little baby(s). Cant wait to see how many little ones are growing in there!!

Deene Souza Photography said...

OH wow! THat is great news! I'm enjoying the reading of your blog to find out the whole process. Great present to them! How do you feel? With numbers that high, you probably have more than one in there! YIKES!