Thursday, February 14, 2008

a conglomeration of things...

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!!

First and foremost, a big thank you to Scotty who surprised me this morning with a box of chocolate and a dozen red roses. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning 'cos Spencer had a rough night last night and so I laid in bed till about 8am. Got up, got the boys ready and walked out to the kitchen to put the bottles from the night away and there awaiting me was a surprise. I was shocked. What a great surprise this morning. It put a HUGE smile on my face and the boys were quite impressed as well. Although Sebastien kept looking at them and calling them "fish." Don't ask 'cos I have no idea...

Secondly - how cute are these kids. For some of you that don't know Scotty and I. These are our 2 boys. Sebastien is the oldest and Spencer is the youngest one. I got them dressed this morning in their dress shirts 'cos they're having a Valentines Day Party at daycare so I figured, "hey, impress the ladies."
And lastly and most importantly...


NO MORE BCP's FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that aren't familiar with all the medical slang - BCP stands for Birth Control Pills. I took my last pill last night and I am done. Now you all may wonder why this excites me so much, so let me tell you. I realized about 2 weeks ago why I stopped taking the BCP's after Scotty and I got married. Hence the reason we had 2 kids...both accidents (in which we wouldn't trade for the world). I was MOOD-Y. And when I say moody, I mean moody. I could not stay on top of my emotions and the last 2 weeks, I think I cried at least 5 times a day. I got upset at the lil' things. Oh, it was horrible. Poor Dr Acacio and Jill got an email from me on Monday pleading for help. I told them I needed either a different BCP or some mood altering drugs. And then I looked at my FET calendar and realized I got to stop taking them on Wednesday. So, I emailed them both back and said nevermind and that I would be able to make it till Wednesday. After a few emails were exchanged between the 3 of us, Dr Acacio even called to check in on me and to make sure I wasn't on a ledge ready to jump off. Very sweet of him. Anyway, back to the BCP - guess what I did with them this morning!?!?!?
Yep, that's right - they went down the toilet. ALL GONE!!!




When I said up top "LASTLY," I was just kidding. Some people have asked when the transfer is supposed to take place. Jill and I will meet down in LA on March 10th. During the next couple of days, I will have daily ultrasounds to check the uterine lining and make sure that there's a good lining for the embryo to attach to. Once the lining is just right, they will do the transfer. It's on the calendar to happen anywhere between March 10-13th. After that, it's about 4 days of bedrest for me and then we wait. I think Dr Acacio said I can take a pregnancy test about 12 days after the transfer and we will know whether or not it took.


Anonymous said...

Loved your Valenintes Day post and am really happy you are done with those nasty BCP's! Yippeee
The boys look so handsome....go get em' Starbucks!!

bloomers shoppe said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA i was getting ready to leave a comment about your sweet hubby...THEN I got to the end of your post with the amazing BCP pictures going down the toilet and I started laughing so hard that I forgot about the romantic "love" day pictures. AMAZING!!!! HAHAHA thank you SO much for sharing the fabulous pictures. :)

Kat said...

Flowers called Fish....
Becky has a Beta fish, and it has a plant sitting on the top of it. Sebastien has been looking at it the last few weeks at Home Group.... Sebastien was eating with me last week and he kept pointing to it. He was really adorable!