Sorry the pictures aren't so clear but the syringe is the diabetic needle that I start with on Saturday morning. That will have the Lupron in it and I can give it to myself in the tummy. No big deal. That doesn't scare me.
Do you see the needle that has the pink type of cap on it. Can you see how THICK that thing is in comparison to the small diabetic needle? See it...??? Well, that's an 18gauge needle. It's MASSIVE. Now, for the good news - I don't have to inject myself with that needle. THANK GOD. But I have to draw up the E2V with that and then inject myself with a 25gauge needle. Good Lord, when I pulled the cap off of that needle, I wanted to faint. But Linda was here to reassure me that that needle was ONLY to draw up the medicine with. I haven't looked at the 25gauge needle yet but I know it's the same length - just smaller in diameter.
Thanks again to Linda and Teresa for driving over here on their lunch break to explain all this to me. It makes a lot more sense to me now and it looks manageable.
Like I said - I start the Lupron injections on Saturday (with Jen...he he) and then the E2V shots start on the 19th if I'm cleared from the baseline Ultrasound on Monday.
I will hold your hand when you start the big-boy needles but we may have to stand by the toilet. OMG. I love you. So proud of you.
Yah, I agree you are one special cookie for doing all this. If people could grow wings you would for sure have a pair!
Wowza's them's are some big arse needles! Thank goodness they're not going in your butt ;)
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