The title of this post - 127bpm - is GREAT NEWS!! We saw the heartbeat and it was awesome. The lil' bugger's heart was beating 127 beats per minute. Nice and healthy. We are measuring right on schedule although they had the baby measured at 6weeks 6days rather than 7weeks exactly. According to Dr Acacio, anything within 3 days is perfect.
The U/S appt was quick and I can't help but say that I LOVE the midwife's office staff and her. They're just great!! Deena, the nurse, gave me a big hug when she heard we had a good strong heartbeat and Melissa, the U/S tech was going to take me back in for another U/S if I had my camera so we could record the heartbeat for Jill. They were all sad that Jill couldn't be there.
So, here's a picture from the U/S yesterday - a lil' bit clearer as I had some more time to play with the camera settings.
If you see the circle in the picture - that is the yolk sac. Right above it is the baby (find the + sign) and you'll see the line that goes to the right - that is baby Alcorn. The line is there to measure the baby and that tells the tech and Dr's that the baby is measuring right on schedule.
I'm so excited you got to post the picture -- I can actually see something this time b/c he/she is much bigger already. Very exciting!!
Much love to you, Zann, from us both (Jill and James!)
Congrats to all of you, your little bean is "growing"
That is sooo awesome! :) yay for a good-strong-healthy heart beat!!
Holy Bugeezees! That is soooo cute!!!! When did you become Prego?
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