Wednesday, August 27, 2008

...the not so smart pregnant chick

That would be me...

I was talking to my friend Jen today, kind of complaining about the nausea I've been having with this pregnancy, etc. She was feeling sorry for me and totally knew what I was going through as she was one that had a really hard time with morning sickness. She was even put on some heavy meds to help her get through the nausea. Well, we were talking and I was telling her that nothing sounded good to me. I told her how we went to dinner last night and after dinner, I didn't feel all that great and even today, I haven't been able to bring myself to eat anything 'cos nothing sounds good. I proceeded to tell her about a beautiful picnic we had at a winery on Saturday (way to go Rachel) and we had these lil' sanny's with cheeses, etc on them. Oh, it was so good - good enough that I went out and bought some more cheeses on Monday 'cos I was obsessing over them. I told her what they were - soft cheeses - and she just about freaked out on me. She was like "Zann, don't you know, pregnant ladies aren't supposed to eat soft cheese." Obviously I didn't 'cos I was eating them on both Saturday and on Monday. She then went and grabbed one of her magazine's that she just got and read to me what I couldn't eat again. Soft cheese was on there.

But here's the good thing, the soft cheeses that they were referring to were cheeses like brie and goat cheeses that are not pasteurized. I grabbed my cheeses out of the fridge and thankfully, all of my cheeses were pasteurized. So, I don't have to throw them away or go take them to Rachel.

You're really deprived of some things when your pregnant and it seems like there's always something new you can't eat. Before it was like "don't drink, don't smoke and you should be fine." Now it's, "don't drink caffeine, no deli meat, no tuna, no soft cheese, no raw fish..." Geez, where's all the fun people? LOL...I'm kidding.

Jill will be glad so I'll post it here - the nausea is still here. I hate it but at the same time, I take it as a welcome sign 'cos it means my body is still making a nice lil' home for baby. Jill likes it (but hates it for my benefit) 'cos it gives her reassurance as well.

My booty...oh man! Last night was bad. I kind of wanted to cry. And for those that know me, I'm not someone that cries a lot or gives into pain. Heck, I walked on a broken ankle with 3 torn ligaments for a year before the Dr's finally did exploratory surgery to find out why I was still saying it hurt. Scotty and I were watching TV and I couldn't get comfortable. The injection sites are starting to burn a lil' during and after the shots. Don't know why but last night was bad. Hoping tonight is a lil' better.

Alright - enough blabbing from me.


Anonymous said...

You're the best - soft cheese and all! I wish it were me with the nausea, but I'm so glad you're such a trooper!! Hang in there and hopefully Dr. A will give you the green light to quit the shots soon!! -Jill

Anonymous said...

Glad to be of service! Actually, I agree "they" go overboard with the new pregnancy rules. I wish you were feeling better and your bottom was not a pin cushion!

Anonymous said...

Hey there
So sorry to hear what your going through. You are such a trooper! I don't know how you do it. Just remember the reason your doing it and it will be all worth it!!! Tell your hubby you need a nice butt rub. :-) I'm thinking bout you!!