Jill and I had our first appointment today and it was great. Well, first and foremost it was great 'cos I got to meet up with Jill for a lil' lunchy-lunch at El Rosal. Got my Chilaquiles which made me really happy. (Funny story 'cos last time Jill and I were together, I kinda introduced her to chilaquiles and the whole time we ate, I had food envy 'cos I got something else.) Anyway, so we had lunch and then went to our appointment. We got there and the office was empty. We were laughing and at one point Jill goes "You know, people might think we're lesbians." And I just laughed 'cos I thought the same thing. But I'm comfortable with myself and people can think what they want. But I also said, "we'll just have to talk about our husbands A LOT." Too funny.
So we were called back and we met with Deena who is Rita's nurse or assistant or both, whatever. She was great. She went over all the do's/don'ts of pregnancy and all that fun stuff and just kind of learned a lil' bit about our past together and the surrogacy attempt in March and now this succesful pregnancy. And then we got to meet Rita. SOOO not what I pictured but totally amazing. I think why I wanted to go with a midwife this time is 'cos they are more involved with your pregnancy and wanting the best for you. Not that a Dr doesn't but I think there's a lil' more care for what you want/expect out of the pregnancy and birth when it comes to a midwife. I could tell the difference today in just the brief meeting we had with both Rita and Deena. After that, we got to have the U/S.
Went in and Melissa the tech tried to do a tummy ultrasound but unfortunately to get the info she wanted, we had to do the other kind. You really lose all sense of privacy after you have a kid and now especially doing this surrogacy. You care who see's you down there but you just don't at the same time. It's quite funny coming from the girl who didn't even want her own mom in the room when she delivered 'cos she didn't want her mom to see her "down there." (Needless to say, I didn't care who was in the room after 21hrs of labor - I just wanted Sebastien out). Anyway - sorry for that bunny trail. Melissa was able to confirm that we are in fact pregnant. I'm posting the U/S pic - it's fuzzy - but you can see what we saw today...

So, Sarah, Kristi and Jen all win. We have a singleton pregnancy. CONGRATULATIONS!
I go back on Monday for another U/S to confirm the heartbeat. We were somewhat able to see a heartbeat today but since the heart just starts beating in this week, it wasn't certain but Jill and the tech were able to see a pulsating light which resembled a heartbeat!! Yippee!!
Deena Tilley Huh? That's who I go to. She is awesome. Did you like Rita's hair? lol
Congratulations on baby!!! YAY!!!
Wonderful news! Congratulations again, to all of you (yah, I win, I win! Now let's see if I guessed girl right!)
Congrats! I'm so excited for the four of you!
Thanks to everyone for the congratuations...I'm anxiously awaiting the official heartbeat so I can sleep at night! -Jill
Congrats on being able to see the baby....So, when is your "official" due date?
Yep, I knew there was a happy little single camper in there.
I am a winner, yah!
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