Monday, August 4, 2008

...some fun things!!!

Well, I told you about the pregnancy tests and here are some pictures. Sadly enough, when you buy cheap PG tests, the results don't stay in the window. But when you buy good ones (which you'll be able to see), the results do stay in the window. And for some reason, I can't figure out how to get the picture flipped so everyone, tilt your head to the left. But the one on the right was from my first positive on the Friday after the transfer (6 days) and it was SOO faint but it was there. The 2 on the left are the "good" tests that were 9 and 10 days post transfer and you can clearly see the lines on there. This was so hard to keep from Jill. I just wanted to call her and tell her what I was seeing.
So, I've got my calendar and the good news for me - only 27 more days of shots. Let me just say my butt is hurtin'. I've been befriending the heating pad after the shots and it's helping the knots get a lil' smaller.
Wanna know something crazy?!?! I also got my due date. First and foremost, I'll be 9 weeks already at the end of August. That just seems crazy to both Jill and I. It just seems like this is going to fly by. And now for the crazy bit?!? Our due date is April 4th - and that happens to be Jill's birthday. What an AMAZING birthday present a lil' baby would be for them!
I've also got my first appointment scheduled with the midwife for next week for our 6 week appointment. We're still waiting to hear from Dr A's office if that's okay if we go ahead and see the local OB/Gyn as it's too hard to get down South. And Jill will be down in Visalia for her class reunion this weekend so she'll be able to stay and go to the appt with me on Monday. We meet with a nutrionist and then with the midwife and then we have the first U/S. So exciting. Basically, we're hoping to confirm that there is a sac with an embryo inside and hopefully a heartbeat but it still could be too early. Very exciting!!! I'll keep you updated and hopefully we'll get some great pictures.

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